ESLA congres in Brugge
De ESLA (European Speech and Language Therapy Association) organiseert dit jaar haar 12e Europees congres. Het congres zal plaatsvinden van
26 tot 28 september 2024 in Brugge. Het thema van het ESLA-congres is the power of communication in quality of life:
Dear ESLA members,
I am thrilled to contact you while we are in full swing preparations for our Congress to be held on 26-28 September in Bruges, Belgium. If you have not yet registered, you are still in time! Today we launched a very special offer exclusively for ESLA members. We are offering registration for the discounted price of €350instead of €450 for a limited time period. Come and join us in the UNESCO World Heritage city of Bruges for a Congress packed with a very interesting scientific programme. Don’t miss on the opportunity to network with European and international colleagues. Don’t forget to also check out the pre-Congress Workshops which may be booked individually or at the very attractive package price.
Looking forward to seeing you and your colleagues in Bruges from 26-28 September!
Het ESLA-congres is een unieke kans om kennis uit te wisselen met collega’s vanuit heel Europa. In korte tijd ben je weer helemaal op de hoogte van de nieuwste wetenschappelijke inzichten binnen ons mooie vak. Zet de data dus alvast in je agenda en houdt de congressite in de gaten voor het programma.